give it a rest already..
in the wake of the recent tsunami..i would like to express my condolences to those who may have lost family and frens in the destruction..
some may question 'isn't it a tad late to blog an entry of condolence when the tsunami hit a month ago?' hoping to bring my greatness down and scrutinize it..
of cuz my brillance won't allow such blasphemy to happen and my reply will be a simple yet effective one...
"since when has it become a race to express condolences to the affected victims to justify my sympathy for them?"
people are under some sort of impression that by being the first to extend regret/sadness/aid to the victims, it somehow makes their contributions more valuable than anything else that arrived at a later date...
why the fuck do people even care about such things?
i read in ST today about singaporean's views regarding the aid given to the victims in indonesia. rather than reading about how 'sorry' we felt for the victims; instead i read a chunk of shit about how singapore has shown great generosity, how our mighty leaders were one of the first to extend humanitarian aid, how singapore showed other nations that we aren't a bunch of egoistical arrogant turds...
am i the only one noticing a pattern here?
its a good thing we extended a helping hand to help those affected by the disaster, regardless of whether our condolences reached them first or not..the victims sure as hell aren't gonna turn our aid away just cuz it came a few weeks after the disaster...(if they do they deserve to die anyway)
so nation X is the first to supply aid for the victims providing them immediate that something to be proud of? is their aid more valuable than nation Y which may reach only a month later? are the X ppl's hearts bigger than the Y's?
its no fucking big deal if you're the first to give your family fortune to the're supposed to be a samaritan; the focus should be ON THE VICTIMS!
and speaking of victims...will the damn media give it a rest already...we ALL know how devastated the area is...we ALL know how sad the victims are...we ALL know how much singapore has helped indonesia..
how many times does mediacorp want to advertise the fact that 'look! the place is in shambles! singapore feels sorry for them! aren't we great?' what is this? some political campaign?
those who wished to donate to the victims have long done so...showing them pictures of crying women and children isn't gonna magically make ppl reach deeper into their pockets...the victims already have all the relief they need; they're just sad that they lost their loved are we trying to send the message 'your loved one is dead, but at least you're a lot richer'? sadistic fuckers!
its bad enough already that each year mediacorp try to suck our blood dry by having that god damn NKF/president star charity shit...we have actors/actresses torturing themselves..shedding croc tears (yes you bryan-fucking-wong) appealing to us to call 1900-112-8888 (why the fuck do i even know the number?) when they typically make enough to change a new car every year..i saw on the tube today...the last charity made 7.2 million bucks...
just goes to show....singaporeans keep donating in the hopes the artises continue endangering and hopefully accidentally killing that's a charity i'd gladly donate to...
0 peasants have disturbed me