zhng your car part deux..
part II of my self help series 'ZHNG your ride' is now complete!! this time round we're not talking about simple cosmetic add-ons but a full out zhnging of the vehicle's exterior to realise your dream of conning naive passer-bys that your ride's worth $10-30k (or 100-200bhp whichever takes your fancy) more.
alas as circumstances would have it this time round i neglected to consider the fact that the Armed Forces happen to subscribe to the belief that the success or downfall of this great nation is determined by whether its employees carry handphone cameras with them or not. so just to test the system (because i'm such a slut), i grabbed random files within reaching distance, put them in my bag and brought them home to throw away. i mean if i'm gonna metal gear my way into secured places everyday, i might as well just bring the hardcopies home instead of taking grainy amateur handphone camera shots of each individual page right? i'm now waiting for the ISD to come a-knockin' telling me we're all going to hell because of this sensitive information leak.
all rational thought aside, what this means is that i had no means of capturing the zhng-ing process..boo-freakin'-hoo.
so rather than question the sensibilities of our nation's top scholars, i'd rather adopt the old adage of 'a centerfolds' worth more than anything you describe' and present a series of before-n-after pics for you smart induhviduals to figure out what was changed. its not rocket science really..anyone who isn't the current dominant demographic in our prestigious Institues of Technical Learning should have no problems detecting the major differences. those with good eyesight have a decided advantage here.
pics can be clicked on to enlarge for those who're unfamiliar with blogger's stupid photo uploading system
front view
back view
isometric (which really is a bitch to create in engineering drawings) view 1
isometric view 2
...and one for the above mentioned demographic..for fairness' sake ya knowonce again i apologise for the lack of more detailed explanations caused by the lack of a camera on hand at the time of my zhng-ing research. i promise to do better next time but unfortunately i highly doubt we'll get to witness another penis-extension transformation for this model anymore due to its ascension to perfection. should this series ever be revived again you can be sure upthelorry will be on site to give you the latest coverage on penis-extension technologies.
remember: its not zhng-ing if it doesn't enhance the physical look e.g carbon fibre bonnets
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