"hypocritical asshooolism"
'refuck' is the way to describe it..
there's been an electronic exodus around me lately...lots of electronic stuffs' been headin' to the shitter with no solution in sight...it all started when my MMC card just went all batshit hoefuck that forced me to send all my ringtones and wallpapers into a virtual shithole...so now yours truly gets to gyrate to generic nokia tunes whenever one of you bitches call...now that wouldn't be a problem since i'm such a genius and could easily reinstall all my tones/pics via my laptop's holy infrared butthole...but hey hey..when it rains it fucking vomits and the IR port no longer works....whoop-dee-fuckin'-doo!!subsequently...since IR and Yamaha are gay bed buddies...my laptop's audio driver decided to just pull a (p)rick and vanish into thin air...awesome ain't it?? so not only can i NOT send media into my fone...i can't even listen to em' anymore...somebody call 1900-FUCKTURDoh well there's always porn right..?someone shoot a malay in the nuts my internet connections gone the way of mahathir...straight to stupid cyberhell...is it my connection? the router? my laptop? or maybe some higher powers just shoved a holy dildo up my arse since its 'fuck-around-with-greatness' week...i'm hoping my sporadic connection holds up at least until i publish this post...what's worse is there's been a spate of unholy shit happening that i need to wail about right now....fuckshit like the MANGINA WHORESLUT CUNTFACE who got 2 heroes arrested...what about ERP being operational till 8pm along Orchard Road everday...or HDB dwellers acting like total malays complaining over shit private housing dwellers couldn't even be bothered with...just wait for my connection to recover....expect the irrepresible byatches!!
0 peasants have disturbed me