"hypocritical asshooolism"

Monday, July 30, 2007
  i love everyone..you included!
i got major boredom for company today so instead of expanding my playboy archives i decided to do some spring cleaning for the 6592 email inboxes i have. after deleting the 20 billion citizenship/university/friend/breast enhancement offers, i chanced upon the following 2 gems, courtesy of my industrial attachment brainchild.

The following in italics have been cut n pasted in their entirety and have not been edited in any way so don't ask me what so-and-so means.

From: pin_hua89@hotmail.com
To: ikaruga11@gmail.com
Date: 27/10/06

This is base on my personal comment and i would like to address that ac guy.
I was just thinking if that acjcian/acsian guy is writing that marche
article as well, since he¡¦s so bloody proud of being an acsian/acjcian (the
rich school well known for hot people-just another F4 wannabe school in
meteor garden), then why do u have to write such an article?


oh and if acsian family has the best UNIFORM, WHATS WITH THE BUMBLEBEE TIE
for the ibm people? huhhh huhhh? u call that nice fashion sense?

trust me, i wouldn mind wearing the sa tie with any white shirt anytime and
walk on the streets.
i dare you to walk on the streets with any of ur white shirts accompanying
that bumblebee tie.

hahha to an outsider who reads this article, if only reflects that someone
from ac is actually being hell jealous of the people in sa.

wth are u jealous about?
the guys?
the uniform?

omg please act like someone ur age. it is people like you who creates
trouble and all. just mind ur own sch and the others wont comment on yours
as well. if u so like to compete, then compete fairly in events like
competitions sports and all.

you think vulgairities surpasses all? HELLO, we're living in a new century.
being so bold as to post everything on the net, not being afraid of being
sued just because of your strong family background, thats so cliche.

acjc has a good school reputation alright, it is people like you who totally
ends up spoiling it.

if u so love ac culture, then PROMOTE IT, condemning other people's school

the guys in sa definitely as what you said" inability to talk dirty nasty
vulgar things in front of the opposite sex" because they know their limits,
because they act like gentlemen, unlike people who throws the face of our
country because their mouth is filled with all the filthy and unglam stuff.
this only further make other bigger countries around the world belittle us.

i feel so sorry for you.

From: f.john.doe@gmail.com
To: ikaruga11@gmail.com
Date: 15/10/06

dear arrogant son of acs-

i just wanted to tell you that i found your article incredibly interesting and intriguing. simply because i found it INSANELY FUNNY that you labelled your article wrong by mistake, and replaced all the places where 'acs' should have been with 'sajc'! don't worry, it's okay. i'm sure everyone understands what you're trying to say. oh and i guess you really did meet such pathetic sods from sajc yeh? bloody bastards. don't know if they have any saving graces within the male community in sajc, but not to worry, i know of some in acs. really quite a nice school, the male population filled with a big mixture of poseurs, horny fuckbigs, glib tongues, cheating assholes, similarly overzealous christians, spoilt brats, and i must say, all them pretty damn goodlooking hunks with fuckable bodies! there's that typical acs goodlooks. and this just goes to show how these goodlooks can tell you what exemplary guys they must be. guys like you, i suppose. you must be goodlooking, with a rockhard body, with girls swooning and falling at your feet. damn i'd kill to be like you. but i guess moms would be really disappointed to have a kid who's such a self-assuming disgusting piece of turd eh..?

tell me all about your sexual endeavours, im sure you have plenty being such a fine piece of shit you are. with that mouth and amazing vocabulary, you'd definitely have a magnetic effect on women. repelling, of course.

lovely day!

p.s. oh and you should ask ard about the high regards pple have for acs boys on the shit scale. we all think very highly of you guys. and once before, pple actually believed there are saving graces amongst you, but so the high regard on the shit list dropped a little, but pple like you bring it right up again!! :)


i now know why webmasters actually all love hatemail. seriously what's there not to love? we just do our thang and manage to rile up random net junkies enough to spend time to drop an email detailing why their mothers abandoned them in a dumpster. we all know the real reason for child abandonment stems from the child being too ugly and nothing more.

both emails date rather far back and were sent on a fairly back-to-back basis, and were the only 2 i found in my inbox which would lead me to believe these 2 tree huggers are actually one n the same. but no matter...everyone knows hatemail is quantified by volume, not by individual senders.

the first email apparently seems to be from a female, judging by the really innovative "pin_hua89" moniker she uses. exhaustive investigative work would also lead me to believe this probably awesome looking chick was born in 89'...which would roughly translate to her being in J1/J2 in 2006. err...she talks about the 'bumblebee' tie which i assume refers to that really nasty tie peppered with little acs logos all over. why that reminds anyone of bumblebee is anyone's gue...waitaminit...i don't recall EVER wearing a yellow volkswagon with my really kickass white n blue in the only 2 years worth talking about..them ties be fashion items for our little buddies in ACS, not the bigger bastards in ACJC.
update: oooh..there's this new tie design that's like sooo 2004. i have no idea what it looks like so maybe there're little volkswagon beetles adorning the cloth. i heard those pansies have to wear ties everyday now too...
hence, the need to disregard pin_hua89's hatemail altogether arises because all her gripes about ACS/JC originates from the mind of a 1989 schmuck who doesn't even know what Transformers are, much less what Bumblebee is. (retards who say bumblebee's a Camaro need to be stabbed in the balls). REAL MEN went through JC in the 90s. Even REAL-ER MEN know that Bumblebee is a stupid yellow Volkswagon beetle.

2nd one's probably from a dude..unless john is actually an alias for johnette..i like the stuff this fella composed.
john is an acs/acjc boy who lurves the AC culture more than i love my Z(H)onda. Throughout his worship piece he keeps reminding me why my school is so kickass with all the "big mixture of poseurs, horny fuckbigs, glib tongues, cheating assholes, similarly overzealous christians, spoilt brats, and i must say, all them pretty damn goodlooking hunks with fuckable bodies!" holy shit..i always knew we were good looking chunks of meat but now WE'RE FUCKABLE TOO??? hot dyam!! girls pick a number..eugene will be with you shortly. ;)
oh! oh! it gets even better..rather than give some leeway by stating this refers only to 'general' acsians and i myself look like dog vomit, john even goes on to proclaim " you must be goodlooking, with a rockhard body, with girls swooning and falling at your feet. damn i'd kill to be like you."
and my mom is supposed to be disappointed at this because...??

popular culture would dictate i make witty comments and turn everybody against these 2 dung flinging jesus haters. but i'm not really in the mood for that because in general my brain doesn't work in 'snide' mode during the early hours when i haven't beaten my meat yet. so this post shall just be a simple sharing session to remind everyone why Eugene will never amount to anything other than this hot fuckable hunk thingy that's apparently a bad thing.


0 peasants have disturbed me

"if you're guilty, you'll disagree!"

"There's no such thing as rape. A woman can run faster with her skirt around her waist than a man can with his pants around his ankles"

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